Experiences of an LDS Missionary Couple in Glasgow, Scotland.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Sister Whitney here
We are glad to be here in Glasgow. Our flat is very nice comfortable and warm, and that's important to us right now. It is taking us awhile to get situated and oriented and driving on the left is an exciting challenge! We have two parks nearby to walk in and get our daily exercise. We can look out from the top of these parks and see the scene on the top of this page. There is a very nice botanical garden very near our flat that is fun to walk in and will be very pretty in the summer. We have driven out to some areas of the country which is interesting terrain. It's nice to see the farm houses and individual homes. In the city people live in flats and many are high rise, ours is 3 stories and we are on the ground floor.There are many old stately homes and flats. We hope to get out and see more of Scotland soon. We will be inspecting the missionary flats and visiting people so we will get the chance to visit some of the more interesting sights, castles etc. Things take time here, we have to be patient. It's fun getting to know Glasgow, and the Glaswegians, they are so very friendly and helpful, if we could just understand what they were saying. We will catch on soon. signing out, Jean

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am your first comment! I have it set so it comes in on my Google Reader and I see it right away. Congrats on doing your first blog entry, it will be fun for you if you write frequently and get to read the comments. All is well here. It is nice to read the updates from you and Hilary on your missions. You are setting a very positive example for your children and grandchildren. Love You!
